How to add superfoods to your diet
Superfoods are a fantastic way to add rich, powerful nutrients to your diet and transform your health and wellbeing in the process. But what are the best ways to start to incorporate them into your food? Some might taste a little strong to your palette to begin with, so you may prefer to blend them with other tastes - at least until you adjust.
Superfoods in smoothies
Green juices and smoothies are perhaps the most common way to add superfoods to your diet. Try a green juice of spinach, apple, lime, avocado and kiwi with a spoon of spirulina or wheatgrass. If you are new to green juicing, try a 50/50 vegetable and fruit blend. As you become less reliant on sugar, decrease the amount of fruit and become more adventurous with your green vegetables - celery, cucumber, fennel, lettuce and parsley will all help to transport your superfoods to every cell in your body for a powerful cleansing and reinvigorating effect.
In soups
Try stirring our Vitality green superfood blend into a soup - broccoli and coconut is a great choice made with fresh vegetable broth for vital nutrients. Allow the soup to cool slightly before stirring in your superfood sprinkle with a spoonful of toasted nuts, a swirl of coconut cream or a dusting of nutritional yeast flakes.
As a shot
If you are feeling ready for a quick health hit, then simply mix a spoon of your chosen superfood - maca, spirulina, wheatgrass or a blend - with filtered water and then knock it back!
In raw energy bites
Food process dates, nuts, vanilla and a spoonful of maca powder for some delicious raw energy bites. Experiment with other ingredients such as raw cacao, seeds, coconut flakes, nut butter, chia seeds and other healthful ingredients as you perfect your recipe. You can also roll your raw balls in superfoods for a colourful finish - try spirulina for a colourful green energy ball to enjoy after your workout!
What is your favourite way to enjoy superfoods?
Superfoods in smoothies
Green juices and smoothies are perhaps the most common way to add superfoods to your diet. Try a green juice of spinach, apple, lime, avocado and kiwi with a spoon of spirulina or wheatgrass. If you are new to green juicing, try a 50/50 vegetable and fruit blend. As you become less reliant on sugar, decrease the amount of fruit and become more adventurous with your green vegetables - celery, cucumber, fennel, lettuce and parsley will all help to transport your superfoods to every cell in your body for a powerful cleansing and reinvigorating effect.
Try stirring our Vitality green superfood blend into a soup - broccoli and coconut is a great choice made with fresh vegetable broth for vital nutrients. Allow the soup to cool slightly before stirring in your superfood sprinkle with a spoonful of toasted nuts, a swirl of coconut cream or a dusting of nutritional yeast flakes.
As a shot
If you are feeling ready for a quick health hit, then simply mix a spoon of your chosen superfood - maca, spirulina, wheatgrass or a blend - with filtered water and then knock it back!
In raw energy bites
Food process dates, nuts, vanilla and a spoonful of maca powder for some delicious raw energy bites. Experiment with other ingredients such as raw cacao, seeds, coconut flakes, nut butter, chia seeds and other healthful ingredients as you perfect your recipe. You can also roll your raw balls in superfoods for a colourful finish - try spirulina for a colourful green energy ball to enjoy after your workout!
What is your favourite way to enjoy superfoods?
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